Kyra Mancktelow: Unconstitutional Love.
N.Smith Gallery 3 Apr - 3 May 2025Kyra Mancktelow's solo exhibition Unconstitutional Love centres around a family wedding dress that pays tribute to the Kyra's ancestors. Through this central work, Kyra continues to examine the historical significance...Read more -
Say Our Name: Australian South Sea Islanders
Queensland Museum 24 Aug 2024 - 13 Jul 2025'Strength and resilience are words we use to describe ourselves and we, Australian South Sea Islanders – or South Sea People – truly embody these qualities. Our community descends from...Read more -
Kyra Mancktelow: No Blak in the Union Jack.
N.Smith Gallery 11 Jul - 10 Aug 2024Kyra Mancktelow’s series No Blak in the Union Jack takes its title from British Academic Paul Gilroy’s book ‘There Ain't No Black in the Union Jack: The Cultural Politics of...Read more -
Kyra Mancktelow: Unconstitutional Love
West Space 13 Jan - 24 Feb 2024Unconstitutional Love centres around a wedding dress that honours the artist’s Ancestors. With this work, Kyra continues to explore the history of garments in Australia as a means by which...Read more -
Kyra Mancktelow: We’re Marching.
N.Smith Gallery 17 - 27 May 2023N.Smith Gallery is delighted to present Kyra Mancktelow's fourth exhibition with the gallery – We're Marching . Investigating the history of protest in Australia through legacies of colonialism, We're Marching...Read more -
Kyra Mancktelow: Don’t Read the Comments
Outer Space Gallery | Brisbane 11 Feb - 4 Mar 2023Don’t Read the Comments investigates the history of protest in Australia through legacies of colonialism, posing important questions such as how we remember and acknowledge the Indigenous experience and histories...Read more -
Kyra Mancktelow: Gubagulabu.
N.Smith Gallery 10 Aug - 11 Sep 2022Gubagulabu presents new work by Kyra Mancktelow featuring new unique bronze sculptures and unique impression prints. The artist's well-used dillies call to the historic nature of a useful item while...Read more -
Hatched 2022
Perth Institute of Contemporary Art 13 May - 17 Jul 2022Sitting Down Place challenges the archival records concerning the Indigenous people of Moongalba, also known as Myora mission. Government policy forbade traditional practices and enforced the introduction of colonial uniforms....Read more -
Kyra Mancktelow: Sequence.
Redland Art Gallery 20 Mar - 8 May 2022By responding to colonial intentions of the past, Mancktelow investigates the long-lasting legacies of colonialism and questions how we remember and acknowledge Indigenous histories, traditions, culture, and beliefs.Read more -
Kyra Mancktelow:
N.Smith Gallery 15 - 26 Feb 2022
Gubba Up.Gubba Up investigates the destruction of Aboriginal culture by covering up blak skin. ‘Gubba Up’, loosely translates to ‘whiten up’ – a phrase used by First Nations peoples to describe...Read more -
The Churchie Emerging Art Prize 2021
Institute of Modern Art | Brisbane 9 Oct - 18 Dec 2021No Perception investigates the military jackets worn by naval officers on the First Fleet. These jackets were given to First Nations peoples as they were seen as naked through Western...Read more -
Kyra Mancktelow: Sitting Down Place
Bundaberg Regional Galleries 28 Aug - 7 Nov 2021Sitting Down Place speaks to the history of Minjerribah by referencing the Myora Mission and speaking to the resistance and resilience of the Quandamooka people through the artist's methods of...Read more -
Museum and Art Gallery Northern Territory 7 Aug 2021 - 6 Feb 2022Thea is a finalist with her work A Bastard Like Me . Kyra won the Emerging Artist Category with her work Moongalba II. The Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait...Read more -
Kyra Mancktelow
N.Smith Gallery 19 Jul - 28 Aug 2021
& Dylan Mooney:
Continuous / Unbroken Bonds.Each applying a unique and distinct aesthetic, Continuous / Unbroken Bonds investigates long-lasting legacies of colonialism, asking questions such as how we remember and how we acknowledge First Nations histories....Read more -
Carriers of Memory
Museum of Brisbane 19 Jun 2021 - 30 Jan 2022carriers of memory presents new acquisitions from the Museum of Brisbane Collection by First Nations artists: Kim Ah Sam, Kuku Yalanji people and Kalkadoon people; Sonja Carmichael and her daughter...Read more -
Kyra Mancktelow: Unsilenced
Logan Art Gallery 11 Jun - 24 Jul 2021Unsilenced is Kyra Mancktelow's first major solo exhibition. It incorporates a series of prints, sculpture, ceramics, and weavings. The exhibition exposes untold histories of Australia. It showcases the unique way...Read more -
Opening Exhibition:
N.Smith Gallery 4 - 6 Jun 2021
Welcome.N.Smith Gallery is proud and super excited to introduce you to the work of the gallery's represented artists: Jordan Azcune, Tom Blake, Casey Chen, Neva Hosking, Kyra Mancktelow, Dylan Mooney,...Read more