Darrell Sibosado
Ngarrgidj Morr (the proper path to follow), 2022
powder-coated steel, LED tubes, fittings, electrical component
300 x 245 x 8 cm (each panel)
Collection of The National Gallery of Australia
Collection of The National Gallery of Australia
Darrell Sibosado’s art practice explores the innovative potential of the riji (pearl shell) designs of the Bard people within a contemporary context. In Ngarrgidj Morr (the proper path to follow)...
Darrell Sibosado’s art practice explores the innovative potential of the riji (pearl shell) designs of the Bard people within a contemporary context. In Ngarrgidj Morr (the proper path to follow) 2022 Sibosado has transformed traditional Bard shell carving designs into a series of large-scale light sculptures. Passed down over countless generations, the designs are etched into the surface of riji and worn by men as pubic covers during ceremony. Pearl shell is referred to as guan before it is carved and riji once carved. The riji represent the detached scales of Aalingoon, the Rainbow Snake, as he rests on the ocean surface, shedding his scales containing the lore.