Jordan Gogos named Creative Force at 2022 GQ’s Men of the Year Awards

Jordan Gogos has been awarded the Creative Force Award at GQ’s Men of the Year Awards.


'I've never stopped and reflected on the progress of my career as a creative - I rarely stop in general. Being awarded GQ Man of the Year 2022 Creative Force amongst a room full of inspiring people was insane. Thank you to everyone who's been on this journey with me, especially the ones who not only heard by ideas but made them become possible. Creativitiy is never one person, and in my case, there are hundreds of people who have contributed to be receiving this last night.'


Gogos of Iordanes Spyridon Gogos has an unmistakable aesthetic, his pieces a dizzying riot of colour and fantasy. The designer, along with a host of new talents, is putting forward a new hypothesis for Australian fashion: what if it wasn’t just easy and breezy but bold and fantastical, too?

24 Nov 2022