Award-winning book designer Jenny Grigg of Giramondo Publishing has featured Tom Blake's artwork, stairs into a stream, on the cover of Mourning a Breast, a novel by the late Hong Kong cult classic writer Xi Xi, translated by Jennifer Feely.
The semi-autobiographical novel Mourning a Breast takes a kaleidoscopic approach to the experience of illness, chronicling the author’s days in all their variety: not only her evolving relationship to her body and medicine, but also literature and movies, food and clothing, friendship and solitude. Xi Xi describes her experiences with humour and quiet attentiveness – in swimming pool changing rooms, at tai chi classes in the park, in conversations with friends. All the while, she explores the arcades, streetscapes and skyscrapers of Hong Kong, offering a portrait of a city full of life, on the verge of enormous change.
stairs into a stream, 2019
cyanotype, artist made brass frame
41 x 31 cm
private collection